Saturday, February 5, 2011

what is love

Love is a hugely subjective word which has truly lost any sense of objective definition, it means too many things to too many people to make any meaningful sense of the word love, in terms of exchanging a concept in communication. So let’s explore love in other words. What does love mean to you?
To me, Love means compassion, care, sensitivity, unconditional giving, connection, appreciation, respect, kindness and empathy. Not all simultaneously, just relevant to the situation.
Ajahn Brahm from BuddhistSocietyWA adds that love is “embracing imperfection”. I love that quote, it is so eloquently efficient.
Now here’s the lie we are sold. A lot of people make a lot of money off the back of this term, so bear that in mind.
LOVE TM is the ego-based separatist idea of loving one of a handful of people (That society determines is approved, like your mum or dad or partner), and implies that EVERYONE ELSE is NOT allowed in that select few and you should choose to WITHOLD and DENY love, (compassion, care, sensitivity, unconditional giving, connection, appreciation, respect, kindness and empathy), to EVERYONE ELSE who is not in your “authorised” few. To deny that to EVERYBODY else, but only apply LOVE TM to the handful of individuals… THAT’S FUCKED UP!!!!
I could talk all day on why that’s fucked up:
  • The fact that unconditional love is unlimited and never runs out.
  • That unconditional love is really just an outlook on world.
  • The fact that appreciation, respect, and empathy etc, are free of charge.
  • The concept of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
  • I could go on…
It’s understandable that those living through their ego will react to this clarification about unconditional love Vs. love TM, especially if they’ve already made life decisions based upon the marketing lies of Love TM. We know how ego reacts by attacking any perceived threat to strongly held egoic associations (such as roles or statuses), which I suspect this video may excite.
One of the long established lies which attempts to seize control and manipulate the natural pursuit of attraction and partner seeking in humans, is the DeBeers scandal of the 1930′s and 40′s. The DeBeers manipulation of the male and female psyche for commercial gain tried to link diamonds to love*. I have to say, even until now their propaganda has been highly successful.
“The advertising agency strongly suggested exploiting the relatively new medium of motion pictures. “Motion pictures seldom include scenes showing the selection or purchase of an engagement ring to a girl,” the Ayer proposal noted. “It would be our plan to contact scenario writers and directors and arrange for such scenes in suitable productions.” Since movie idols were then paragons of romance for the mass audience, they would be given diamonds to use as their symbols of indestructible love.”
“A far more subtle program which included arranging for lecturers to visit high schools across the country.”All of these lectures revolve around the diamond engagement ring, and are reaching thousands of girls in their assemblies, classes and informal meetings in our leading educational institutions,” it explained in a memorandum to De Beers. The advertising agency also organized in 1946 a weekly service called “Hollywood Personalities,” which provided 125 leading newspapers with descriptions of the diamonds worn by “screen stars.” And it continued its efforts to focus news coverage on celebrities displaying their diamond rings as a symbol of romantic involvement.”
Many other industries continue to link products and services to Love TM.* Consider; dating agencies, car sales, mobile phone networks, and many more. Countless other PR companies and advertisers have unleashed the same manipulation agendas and aims as DeBeers, upon an ill-prepared public who are intentionally never educated on how to filter out manipulative messages. No wonder the system is so devastatingly effective. We are sitting ducks.

*Warning Love TM may go down as well as up causing financial haemorrhage to life savings with no guarantee of any reciprocal investment. Failure to maintain payments for Love TM may result in the loss of your house, car, children, job, status and self-esteem.

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